Live Odor Free!® Wood Flooring Kit - DISCONTINUED
Replacement Recommendations:
2x2 Pet Urine Area Kit (4 square feet)
5X5 Pet Urine Area Kit (25 square feet)
Spray. Sprinkle. Sniff. Repeat.
Noble Ion Live Odor Free!® eliminates stubborn odors caused by pet urine and other organic odors. Works without enzymes or fragrances. It eliminates odor with billions of positive (+) ions that eliminate the negative (-) ions contained in foul-smelling odors. A plus (+) and a minus (-) = zero odor.
Patented Noble Ion® Odor Technology - You won't find it anywhere else!
Best Use:
Type: Dog or Cat
Odor Problem: Moderate to Tough
Odor Type: Medium Depth to Deep, Old Urine Spots.
Coverage: Up to a 5' x 5' area or 25 square feet.
Surfaces: Wood Flooring and Laminate Flooring
Tools Required: Home vacuum cleaner or broom.
Ingredients: Purified Water, Noble Ion® Odor Technology, Citric Acid, Malic Acid, Pyrus Malus (Apple) Pectin Extract.
INSTRUCTIONS: 3-Step Process
STEP 1 - SPRAY: Spray or pour contents of Odor Eliminator Liquid bottle on the affected area. The liquid must soak down and make contact with the urine.
STEP 2 - SPRINKLE: Sprinkle Instant Knock Out Powder on the affected area. Make sure you leave some powder for an additional touch-up or spot application if needed later.
Black Lights: If you are using a black light, be aware that black lights illuminate the urine crystals embedded in the surface. Black lights show crystals they DO NOT SHOW ODOR. It is common to have remaining urine crystal salts and no odor.
The yellow spots that emerge after using Live Odor Free!® Instant Knock Out Powder show you exactly where you have embedded crystals and urine odor.
STEP 3 - SNIFF, REPEAT, VACUUM: Sniff to see if the odor is gone. If not, repeat spray and sprinkle until the odor is gone.
QUESTIONS? Click below to ask our odor technicians.
Live Odor Free!® Cat Litter 2X
Noble Ion Live Odor Free!® eliminates stubborn odors caused by pet urine and other organic odors. Works without enzymes or fragrances. It eliminates odor with billions of positive (+) ions that eliminate the negative (-) ions contained in foul-smelling odors. A plus (+) and a minus (-) = zero odor.
Best Use:
Type: Cat
Odor Problem: Maintenance. Mild to moderate.
Odor Type: Shallow depth, new urine spots to medium depth, not very old urine spot.
Surfaces: Cat litter, litter box, carpet, rugs, tile, wood flooring, or laminate.
Other Surfaces: Will also work on fabrics.
Tools Required: None.
Ingredients: Purified Water, Noble Ion® Odor Technology, Citric Acid, Malic Acid, Pyrus Malus (Apple) Pectin Extract.
CAT LITTER BOX: Daily, spray a few feet above the cat litter box without saturating the litter. Also spray mats, containers, floors, or any surface that comes in contact with cat urine or feces. Let air dry; wipe excess if necessary.
CAT LITTER ROOM: Daily, spray a mist high in the air around the entire room. Eliminates the strong ammonia smells in the entire cat litter box room. Repeat daily until the odor is completely gone.
MAINTENANCE: If you want a hassle-free method of keeping odor in check, you may want to try our 24/7 Automatic Mini-Odor Eliminator Wall Unit.
QUESTIONS? Click below to ask our odor technicians.
Live Odor Free!® Dog Urine 2X
Noble Ion Live Odor Free!® eliminates stubborn odors caused by pet urine and other organic odors. Works without enzymes or fragrances. It eliminates odor with billions of positive (+) ions that eliminate the negative (-) ions contained in foul-smelling odors. A plus (+) and a minus (-) = zero odor.
Best Use:
Type: Dog
Odor Problem: Maintenance. Mild to moderate.
Odor Type: Shallow depth, new urine spots to medium depth, not very old urine spot.
Surfaces: Carpet, rugs, tile, wood flooring, or laminate.
Other Surfaces: Will also work on fabrics.
Tools Required: Use a towel to wipe or blot up the excess.
Ingredients: Purified Water, Noble Ion® Odor Technology, Citric Acid, Malic Acid, Pyrus Malus (Apple) Pectin Extract.
Spray or pour on the affected area. The product must make contact with the urine. For old or stubborn odors, reapply if necessary, until the odor is gone. Let air dry or wipe up excess.
TIP #1 Other Product: It may take several applications if you previously used cleaning products in the area.
TIP #2 Depth of Urine: For medium depth urine spots, saturate the area as deep as the urine has soaked in.
TIP #3 Odor Bloom: After your first application, the dried urine crystals may give off an intense smell called "odor bloom" which will disappear with further applications. If you are unable to remove the odor bloom with additional applications then you may need a Pet Urine Kit to solve the deep, old urine spot.
QUESTIONS? Click below to ask our odor technicians.
Live Odor Free!® Potty Pads 2X
Noble Ion Live Odor Free!® eliminates stubborn odors caused by pet urine and other organic odors. Works without enzymes or fragrances. It eliminates odor with billions of positive (+) ions that eliminate the negative (-) ions contained in foul-smelling odors. A plus (+) and a minus (-) = zero odor.
Best Use:
Type: Dog
Odor Problem: Maintenance. Mild to moderate.
Odor Type: Shallow depth, new urine spots to medium depth, not very old urine spot.
Surfaces: Dog potty pads or puppy training pads.
Other Surfaces: Surfaces and flooring surrounding the potty pads.
Tools Required: None.
Ingredients: Purified Water, Noble Ion® Odor Technology, Citric Acid, Malic Acid, Pyrus Malus (Apple) Pectin Extract.
Spray or pour on the affected area. The product must make contact with the urine. For old or stubborn odors, reapply if necessary, until the odor is gone. Let air dry or wipe up excess.
TIP #1 Other Product: It may take several applications if you previously used cleaning products in the area.
TIP #2 Odor Bloom: After your first application, the dried urine crystals may give off an intense smell called "odor bloom" which will disappear with further applications. If you are unable to remove the odor bloom with additional applications then you may need a Pet Urine Kit to solve the deep, old urine spot.
TIP #3 Maintenance: If you want a hassle-free method of keeping odor in check, you may want to try our 24/7 Automatic Mini-Odor Eliminator Wall Unit.
QUESTIONS? Click below to ask our odor technicians.
Live Odor Free!® Indoor Dog Potty 2X
Noble Ion Live Odor Free!® eliminates stubborn odors caused by pet urine and other organic odors. Works without enzymes or fragrances. It eliminates odor with billions of positive (+) ions that eliminate the negative (-) ions contained in foul-smelling odors. A plus (+) and a minus (-) = zero odor.
Best Use:
Type: Dog
Odor Problem: Maintenance. Mild to moderate.
Odor Type: Shallow depth, new urine spots to medium depth, not very old urine spot.
Surfaces: Artificial grass or turf and plastic catch basin.
Other Surfaces: Will also work on fabrics.
Tools Required: None.
Ingredients: Purified Water, Noble Ion® Odor Technology, Citric Acid, Malic Acid, Pyrus Malus (Apple) Pectin Extract.
Spray or pour on the affected area. The product must make contact with the urine. For old or stubborn odors, reapply if necessary, until the odor is gone. Let air dry or wipe up excess.
TIP #1 Other Product: It may take several applications if you previously used cleaning products in the area.
TIP #2 Odor Bloom: After your first application, the dried urine crystals may give off an intense smell called "odor bloom" which will disappear with further applications. If you are unable to remove the odor bloom with additional applications then you may need a Pet Urine Kit to solve the deep, old urine spot.
TIP #3 Maintenance: If you want a hassle-free method of keeping odor in check, you may want to try our 24/7 Automatic Mini-Odor Eliminator Wall Unit.
QUESTIONS? Click below to ask our odor technicians.
Live Odor Free!® Pet Bedding 2X
Noble Ion Live Odor Free!® eliminates stubborn odors caused by pet urine and other organic odors. Works without enzymes or fragrances. It eliminates odor with billions of positive (+) ions that eliminate the negative (-) ions contained in foul-smelling odors. A plus (+) and a minus (-) = zero odor.
Best Use:
Type: Dog
Odor Problem: Maintenance. Mild to moderate.
Odor Type: General types of coat odor and dandruff smells. Shallow depth, new urine spots to medium depth, not very old urine spot.
Surfaces: Carpet, rugs, tile, wood flooring, or laminate.
Other Surfaces: Will also work on fabrics. Safe to use on comforters and bed linens.
Tools Required: Use a towel to wipe or blot up the excess, if necessary.
Ingredients: Purified Water, Noble Ion® Odor Technology, Citric Acid, Malic Acid, Pyrus Malus (Apple) Pectin Extract.
DOG BED DIRECTIONS: Daily, spray a few feet above the dog bed, without saturating the bed. Also spray mats, containers, floors, or any surface that comes in contact with coat smell or dog urine. Let air dry.
Use before washing the dog bed.
DOG BEDDING ROOM DIRECTIONS: Daily, spray a mist high in the air around the entire room. Eliminates the strong coat and ammonia smells in the entire dog bedding room. Repeat daily until the odor is completely gone.
MAINTENANCE: If you want a hassle-free method of keeping odor in check, you may want to try our 24/7 Automatic Mini-Odor Eliminator Wall Unit.
QUESTIONS? Click below to ask our odor technicians.
Live Odor Free!® Cat Litter 2X - 64 oz.
Noble Ion Live Odor Free!® eliminates stubborn odors caused by pet urine and other organic odors. Works without enzymes or fragrances. It eliminates odor with billions of positive (+) ions that eliminate the negative (-) ions contained in foul-smelling odors. A plus (+) and a minus (-) = zero odor.
Best Use:
Type: Cat
Odor Problem: Maintenance. Mild to moderate.
Odor Type: Shallow depth, new urine spots to medium depth, not very old urine spot.
Surfaces: Cat litter, litter box, carpet, rugs, tile, wood flooring, or laminate.
Other Surfaces: Will also work on fabrics.
Tools Required: None.
Ingredients: Purified Water, Noble Ion® Odor Technology, Citric Acid, Malic Acid, Pyrus Malus (Apple) Pectin Extract.
CAT LITTER BOX: Daily, spray a few feet above the cat litter box without saturating the litter. Also spray mats, containers, floors, or any surface that comes in contact with cat urine or feces. Let air dry; wipe excess if necessary.
CAT LITTER ROOM: Daily, spray a mist high in the air around the entire room. Eliminates the strong ammonia smells in the entire cat litter box room. Repeat daily until the odor is completely gone.
MAINTENANCE: If you want a hassle-free method of keeping odor in check, you may want to try our 24/7 Automatic Mini-Odor Eliminator Wall Unit.
QUESTIONS? Click below to ask our odor technicians.